Beside meaning and definition for word "longitude", on this page you can find other interesting information too, like synonyms or related words. On bottom of the page we have fun area, like tarot cards, numerology for these
Nine characters, how to write "longitude" with bar codes or hand signs and more.. Table of Contents:
Meaning and definition for "longitude" word
[noun] an imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth passing through the north and south poles at right angles to the equator; "all points on the same meridian have the same longitude"
Click here if you Hate scroll, Show all | Too long, show scroll \Lon"gi*tude\, n. [F., fr. L. longitudo, fr. longus long.] 1. Length; measure or distance along the longest line; -- distinguished from breadth or thickness; as, the longitude of a room; rare now, except in a humorous sense. --Sir H. Wotton. The longitude of their cloaks. --Sir. W. Scott. Mine [shadow] spindling into longitude immense. --Cowper. 2. (Geog.) The arc or portion of the equator intersected between the meridian of a given place and the meridian of some other place from which longitude is reckoned, as from Greenwich, England, or sometimes from the capital of a country, as from Washington or Paris. The longitude of a place is expressed either in degrees or in time; as, that of New York is 74[deg] or 4 h. 56 min. west of Greenwich. 3. (Astron.) The distance in degrees, reckoned from the vernal equinox, on the ecliptic, to a circle at right angles to the ecliptic passing through the heavenly body whose longitude is designated; as, the longitude of Capella is 79[deg]. {Geocentric longitude} (Astron.), the longitude of a heavenly body as seen from the earth. {Heliocentric longitude}, the longitude of a heavenly body, as seen from the sun's center. {Longitude stars}, certain stars whose position is known, and the data in regard to which are used in observations for finding the longitude, as by lunar distances.
Synonyms for longitude
line of longitude, meridian
See also: date line | dateline | great circle | International Date Line | magnetic meridian | observer's meridian | prime meridian |
Related terms: altitude, aphelion, Arctic Circle, azimuth, azimuthal projection, celestial meridian, circle, ecliptic, equator, equinoctial circle, grid line, hydrographic chart, layer tint, mapper, perigee, perihelion, photogrammetry, the line, topographer, Variable Zones, vernal equinox, zone
The fun area, different aproach to word »longitude«
Let's analyse "longitude" as pure text. This string has Nine letters in Three syllables and Four vowels. 44.4% of vowels is 5.8% more then average English word. Written in backwards: EDUTIGNOL. Average typing speed for these characters is 2475 milliseconds. [info]

Morse code: .-.. --- -. --. .. - ..- -.. .
Hearts desire number calculated from vowels:
longitude: 6 + 9 + 3 + 5 = 23, reduced: 5 . and the final result is Five.
Destiny number calculated from all letters:
longitude: 3 + 6 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 44, reduced: 8, and the final result is Eight.
Tarot cards
Letter |
Num. |
Tarot c. |
Intensity |
Meaning |
D (1) |
4 |
Emperor |
Determined, Persistant, Idealist |
E (1) |
5 |
Hierophant |
Wise, Crafty, Daring, Inventive |
G (1) |
7 |
Chariot |
Strong, Sturdy, Decisive |
I (1) |
9 |
Hermit |
Independent, Researcher, Intell,igent |
L (1) |
12 |
Hanged Man |
Leader, Teacher, Healer, Decisive |
N (1) |
14 |
Temperance |
Healer, Wise, Survivor, Crafty |
O (1) |
15 |
Devil |
Optimist, Gamesman, Marketer, Hunter |
T (1) |
20 |
Judgement |
Unswerving, Steadfast, Demanding, Forceful |
U (1) |
21 |
World |
Gifted, Generous, Bountiful |
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